Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Once upon a time,

A long, long time ago.

Begins the story of a baby,

That most of you should know.

His daddy's name was Joseph,

And Mary was His mom,

This babe was very special

He was God's only Son.

Mary rode a camel,

And Joseph walked along,

While angels watched from afar

Celebrating in song.

When they arrived in Bethlehem,

The couple was turned away,

By keepers of the inn

Telling them they had no place to stay.

Now Joseph- he insisted

That his wife had someplace to stay,

The keeper told him of a stable

With animals and hay.

Mary and Joseph’s journey ended

In a stable filled with hay,

It was there that Mary gave birth,

To our King on this day.

Some angels came from heaven,

And they began to sing.

To the shepherds in the fields below,

"Glad tidings do we bring!"

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