Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to make Bows, for any occasion and also recycle old magazines and a wrap-up of my exciting weekend!

Whew! I'm pooped! Today was a really, really busy day for me. Actually the whole weekend was. Yesterday I finished up my Christmas shopping with my sister. We had a nice breakfast together and I colored her hair, not at breakfast you understand, because we had breakfast at Denny's and Denny's kinda frowns upon people running a beauty salon from their booths, plus you don't have really good water pressure in their sinks and you have to keep waving your hand in front of that little do-hickey that makes the water come on and off, but anyway, that was yesterday. Today I colored my own hair. No grayness in any of my Christmas pictures, lemme tell ya! And since I'm going to be off the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th I decided I would finish up all my gift wrapping, do my laundry, scrub my tub and shower and sweep and mop and vacuum my floors so that I could enjoy all those five days without worrying about doing any housekeeping at all!

So, finally, about 7pm I got online to check my email and stuff and I was kinda stumbling around and I found this really cute little video of a really cute little girl, oh well, not such a little girl, but little compared to me OK? And she's going to show us how to make Bows and I just love her accent and her personality. Hope you enjoy!

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