Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey and Rice Soup

Earlier today I was talking to one of my favorite underwriters about how our holiday went and so on and she mentioned she was going to go home and make some soup out of her leftover turkey. And I decided to play along and said, "Hey, that's just what I was planning to do!" Then I told her I might just make a turkey potpie instead as I had some pie crusts left from the pumpkin pies and she said, "Oh yum, that sounds good too! I might do that instead."

Then on the drive home I thought, well why not? Why not make some soup?

Well, for started, because I don't have a single vegetable in my house! No wait, I lie, I do have a couple of jalapenos and a bag o'salad, those can be considered veggies right?

So I thought, ok, I'll just go to the store and pickup some carrots and celery and maybe a zucchini squash, but first I called my mom to see if she had some celery because I didn't want to buy the whole big stalk of it. I was in luck! She said she had a whole bunch of celery and bell pepper and onions already diced left over from the stuffing!

So I went and picked it up and figured, I don't need carrots, I'll just use potatoes. And this is what I created!

And I gotta tell ya, it was soooooooo good! Just what I was craving. I added some rice as well and some chili pepper flakes so it was a bit spicy, but not too much. Some carrots would have added some lovely color, but other than that it was perfect!

Turkey Rice Soup *estimated ingredients since I really didn't measure

1/2 onion diced small (I used a yellow onion)

1 cup chopped bell pepper

1 cup celery

1 cup white uncooked rice

1 small can chicken broth

2 cups diced up cooked turkey

1 cup chopped potato

salt and pepper to taste and about 1/4 tsp of chili pepper flakes

2 tsp oil

Pour the 2tsp oil into your pot and add the onion and celery and stir for about 2 minutes then add the bell pepper and the uncooked rice and stir again for another 3 minutes, then add the chicken broth, the chopped potato, salt and pepper and the chili pepper flakes, stir and let come to a boil and toss in the turkey, then just simmer until the veggies and the rice are softened to your personal taste, about 20 minutes or so.

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