Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy Weekend!

Wow, what a busy weekend I had. I honestly meant to take pictures of the thrifting goodies I found on Friday after work but I just never had the time to sit at the computer until just now.

Saturday I got up early because I wanted to go get a lawnmower and a weedeater/edger, and I also knew I had to get some groceries. I called my mom and sister and they wanted to go with me but at the last minute my mom didn't feel well and it was just sis and me. We went to Sears and found a great lawnmower which was way over the amount I wanted to spend, so we went to Home Depot but they didn't have anything comparable for the money so back to Sears we went and I bought a really nice, self-propelled, easy start one.

Then we went to a nursery because my sis was trying to find this flower...
She never really did find this particular one which I believe is called the Anemone Coronaria. Beautiful though. She's going to wait til fall and then plant bulbs instead of buying the annuals which will just die anyway. She did buy some other different flowers though.

Then it was off to buy groceries at FoodCo, but sis and I didn't realize that we had a huge box (the lawnmower) in the trunk of my mom's SUV and it took up all the space. We barely had room for the groceries.

So once I got home, which was late around 5pm and we got the lawnmower down and groceries down and put away I did some dishes and straightened up my house a little bit and I was POOPED, so I went to bed and watched TV til about 11pm.

Then Sunday, I still had to make my Walmart run and I also wanted to buy the weedeater while I was at Walmart, but they didn't have any, just a few that were very expensive, so I hit Lowe's, then I had lunch with April at El Torito which was delicious and buffet style! I also got a gift from April that I will try to photograph tomorrow. Then I stopped by my mom's house and visited with her for a bet, she's feeling better now.

Then home to do laundry, put away Walmart stuff and I finally get to sit down. I hope to get those pictures taken this week, but it's going to be a busy week so we'll see.

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