Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Iwanna Wednesday

Welcome to Iwanna Wednesday where you get to see what's inside of the brain of the woman that Iwanna's everything!

I spent the last week at home due to radioactive iodine treatment for Thyroid Cancer and most of the whole week I spent looking at the wall behind my computer, which is also the same wall behind my TV, so basically...I spent the whole week just staring at this wall that has no pictures on it, nothing. Just a plain white canvas.

But Iwanna knows what Iwanna wants this wall to look like...check this out

I love this! I want the whole wall to look like that and where you see that desk is where my computer desk would be and then I would want it to extend a little further to the right and have another area there where my TV would fit. Then I could display all my Iwanna treasures to my hearts content.

Yep...Iwanna this!

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