Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Iwanna Wednesday

Welcome to Iwanna Wednesday, the day when I get to ask for anything Iwanna without worrying about cost, practicality, usefulness or chance of actually getting this item. I can just Iwanna anything. It's fun being able to shop without having to worry about all those things just mentioned.

A year or so ago after watching a makeover show called "What Not To Wear", I played the game on the show myself by going shopping online and putting items of clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories into my shopping cart...and you know what? It's hard to spend $5,000! I wouldn't think so, but it is. Try it for yourself.

In the meantime, take a look at my current kitchen table. It's beautiful and I love it, but it's not very practical with the glass top. It would be great in a dining room where you can set it and just look at it be pretty...but Iwanna practical, workable table.

Iwanna something like these...

These next two would look wonderful with one of last week's Iwanna item...

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