Friday, March 13, 2009

Did me some thrifting!

Oooooooooo, what a great day! I did some thrift store shopping today after work.! Well actually I got into it on my lunch hour because while my sister was driving me back to the office after lunch we saw a sign for an estate sale and we had to hit it! They had lots of neat stuff, but we didn't have much time and no cash. I did find a plate for my kitchen that was grapes, since I'm trying to do a grape theme in there and it was only $2.50.

Then after work we hit the American Cancer Society Discovery Store and I got lucky again and found a beautiful picture with angels on it that have a little story...well actually two stories because my brother in law had his own story he made up...more info tomorrow. I also found a nice lampshade. I had been wanting one...need to dress it up a bit, but more on that tomorrow as well.

Then we went to the Goodwill store and I found a lovely, wonderful, beautiful picture for the living room wall behind the couch that is absolutely blank and white right now, hopefully I can get it hung tomorrow and can share with you.

And a perfect ending to the day...I had homemade cheese enchiladas, beans and rice and a margarita...well actually two, at my sister's house. Enchiladas courtesy of my brother in law. Thanks Guero! They were sooooooo good and spicy, ay ay yay!

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