I have so many memories of her, her red Buick that she claimed drove itself (I didn't know she was steering with her knees); her cowboy attire that she loved so much, her boots, her belts, her western shirts. Her love of yard-saleing and thrift store shopping and her love of dogs.
One thing that always brings back memories of Tia Leonor or Tia Nor as we called her was this beautiful vanity that she owned. I lusted after that vanity desperately and I would always ask her for it.
So today for Iwanna Wednesday Iwanna show you a vanity similar to the one my Tia Nor had and then share several that I would love to have as well.
This one is as close to the one I remember Tia Nor having that I could find and it's still falls way short of the beauty of hers. I used to imagine myself sitting in front of that vanity brushing my hair and applying makeup. Isn't it lovely, so sweet and feminine.
I couldn't believe how many different styles of vanities are available and Iwanna all of them. Which is your favorite?
Do you prefer dark wood? Then maybe this one. I love the color and its simple lines. And with the lid closed it could double as a great desk as well.
This one is so ornate and elegant and you can see the image of the bed in the mirror. I see this one in a huge bedroom with an equally elegant chaise lounge, don't you?
This one almost looks like the dresser in my bedroom and I do so love the lighter wood. The mirror on my dresser is even the same shape as this one. I wish I had room for this one! But of course, since it's Iwanna Wednesday, I can Iwanna it all I want right? Even though there's no room for it. . .
Iwanna this one as well. This one is the lighter wood and it also has my favorite color in it! Green!
But even though I love the light wood, I love the ones that are painted white. There's just something so feminine about them isn't there? I love the little keyhole details on the side doors.
And another sweet, feminine white one. The great thing about the white ones also is that you can use so many different colors in them and around them, like the bright yellows, oranges, greens and reds in this one.
And there's nothing wrong with Ivory either right? I love this! I especially love the little stool to sit on. I don't know why but it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, anyone know why?
Here's another one with dark wood. The lines aren't quite as simple in this one. Yet it's not too frou-frou you know?
And this one is my favorite...Iwanna this one! I love that it's white. I love that it's so simple. There is just nothing about this one that I don't love!
So do you have a vanity? If not which one above is your favorite? Which one do you Iwanna?
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