That got me to thinking about my first car and I wanted to show him what it looked like. I'm sure I have a picture of that car, but it's probably in a box somewhere in the garage and I wasn't about to go out there and look for it on Super Bowl Sunday. But since I have the world at my fingertips, I just did a google search for a 1975 Oldsmobile Omega SX and I was lucky that not only was there a picture of the car but it's the exact same color mine was.
Of course my car was shiny and brand new. I think it had 64 miles on it when I got it.
I got it my Junior year in high school. I had only had my license for a short while and my parents decided to buy me a new car. I believed then and I still believe now that they bought me the new car to prevent me from going away to college. At that time I was making plans with my best friend Patricia to go to either San Diego State or the University of Redlands.
Patty's dad had bought a small single wide mobile home that he was going to park in a trailer park close to the college and he wanted me to live with Patty, rent free, while we both went to school together. My parents were not thrilled with the idea, especially my dad.
My dad asked me if I wanted to go away to college, or did I want to go to a local junior college and get a new car during my Senior year. Hmmmm, tough choice for a 17 year old right? What would you choose? I obviously chose the car!
So my parents went shopping for a car for me one Saturday while I was working at a part time job I had at a store called Farmers Market. One side of the market was a market, with a full service deli. The other side of the market was like a mini Walmart, you could find anything and everything there from fabric to furniture. I worked on the Walmartish side every Saturday and Sunday.
Since I couldn't go with them, they brought cars to me. Then, as now, a car to me was simply a means to get from here to there. I didn't know much about cars, I didn't really mind what kind of car I had, I just want to get to where I was going and I wanted it to be reliable.
The first car my parents brought to me was a brand new Ford Mustang. It was jet black with black interior. Practical me didn't even take into account that it was a MUSTANG! And a black one at that. My only thought was that during the summer it would be H.O.T. and it would take forever to cool it down. So I said no.
The next car my parents brought to me was...get this...a 1975 Lime Green Corvette. I couldn't find a picture but it was this exact same color green.
And the seats matched, they were a lime green plaid something like this.
Now, just so you understand my ignorance when it came to cars...I didn't know or realize what a Corvette was. I mean I do now, but not then. Then it was just an ugly green car! And I love green; it is my favorite color, but that was such a hideous green and the plaid "ugh" it made me shiver. So I again said no, I don't want this one either.
So they left again and came back with the blue and white Omega SX and now after all these years I'm going to disclose that what I loved best about the car was the SX, because to me that meant Sexy, my car was sexy and if my car was sexy then obviously I was sexy. Silly I know but that's how my 17 year old mind worked then.
And I loved that car. That car and I went through alot together. When I first got it I washed it every day after school. And I used to give my brother Fred and my sister Lisa a ride to school in it every day and every time that the car hit another 100 miles I would pull over and we would all cheer and clap and act like lunatics. I had the greatest siblings that were silly and crazy with me.
Everyone should always remember their first car. I've had many, many cars since then but never one that I washed every single day or one that I cheered and clapped for every 100 miles. That was my Sexy car and I loved it.
So what was your first car and what do you remember best about it? Or what was your favorite car you've every owned or what is your dream car that you hope someday to own? Do tell :-)
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