Friday, February 5, 2010

On the Road Again!

I feel like I've been in prison for the past week and kept away from my computer! But no...I haven't been locked up. I've just been working a lot of late hours and trying to get my paperwork in order to have my taxes done and watching American Idol and Greys Anatomy (love that show).

And while I have so many things I want to write about I'm afraid it will have to wait because I'm on the road again! Taking that old Highway 99 North to visit my daughter and beautiful, sweet, precious little Chorizo!

It wasn't a planned trip. I just decided last night. But what the heck! Why not, right?

If you're like me you'll be glued to the Super Bowl game on Sunday. Do I even know who is playing? No, but I love to watch the commercials! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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