Monday, February 8, 2010

Phos Hilaron (Φῶς Ἱλαρόν) (Greek)

Φῶς ἱλαρὸν ἁγίας δόξης ἀθανάτου Πατρός, οὐρανίου, ἁγίου, μάκαρος, Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, ἐλθόντες ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλίου δύσιν, ἰδόντες φῶς ἐσπερινόν, ὑμνοῦμεν Πατέρα, Υἱόν, καὶ ἅγιον Πνεῦμα, Θεόν. Ἄξιόν σε ἐν πᾶσι καιροῖς ὑμνεῖσθαι φωναῖς αἰσίαις, Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ζωὴν ὁ διδούς· διὸ ὁ κόσμος σὲ δοξάζει.

Phos hilarón haghías dóxis, athanátou Patrós, ouraníou, haghíou, mákaros, Iesoú Hristé, elthóntes epí ten helíou dýsin, idóntes phos esperinón, hymnoúmen Patéra, Hyión, kai hághion Pnéuma, Theón, Haxión se en pási kairoís hymneisthai, phonáis aisíais, Hyié Theoú, zoén ho didoús, dió o kósmos se doxázei.

English Translation:
O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

Words: Phos Hilaron (Φῶς Ἱλαρόν), Greek, 3rd century
Greek Chant

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