Monday, March 1, 2010

A Beautiful Life - My Tia Minnie

On February 12, 2010 my Aunt Herminia passed away. Tia Minnie as most of us called her was 81 years old. She was one of my mom's older sisters. She was one of the five siblings left. She had lived most of her adult life in Phoenix, Arizona.

I remember Tia Minnie as always laughing. She constantly had a smile on her face. I never remember her reprimanding me, and trust me when I was young I needed a lot of reprimanding!

I remember her always showing up with boxes of fresh pastries, donuts, bread...she never showed up empty handed. Tia Minnie was the mother of my cousins Herminia, Lydia and Lucia and I know they miss her more than words can say. I love you my cousins!

Tia Minnie's memorial had a beautiful poem in it that made so much sense because she had been so ill and she didn't deserve to suffer anymore.

God Saw
God saw she was getting tired
And a cure was not to be,
So he put his arms around her
and whispered "Come with me."
A Golden heart stopped beating
and hardworking hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.

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