Today I would like to share with you a post from June 21, 2008 about a room in my house. This room is now totally different and I will be posting pictures of it soon. I hope you enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
My Favorite Post
June 21, 2008

I'm posting pictures from one particular room in this house. When we first saw the house, Lisa and I instantly started calling it the "Pink Room" for obvious reasons once you see the pictures.
I'm doing this post under the label "Labor of Love" because the woman who lived and raised her family in this house before I bought it was an amazing woman.
I didn't know her personally as she has passed on and I bought the home from her children, but everyday I notice something new and special that makes me realize just how much she loved her home and her family, this room especially shows that.
The first picture has the most amazing story. It's the floor in the pink room. The carpeting is like Joseph's Coat of Many Colors. Her daughters tell me that their mother took the original carpet that was in the room, I'm not sure what color that was, but she turned it upside down in the room so that the rough brown side was showing, then she collected various pieces of carpets and rugs and cut them into smaller pieces and then took all these pieces and glued them to the turned over original carpet, making this a "Carpet of Many Colors" (click on picture to enlarge).
My sister and I were amazed when we heard this story. That someone would go to so much obvious trouble. Cutting and arranging and gluing all these pieces of carpet to create this masterpiece! My own mother is a very crafty person and there's not one member of our family that doesn't own a quilt that she has made for them so we understand how much love is involved in such an undertaking.
Before I moved into the house, I decided that I would replace the carpet in the living room, my bedroom and in the pink room. Showing their own labor of love my dad and brother offered to pay for the carpeting. But when I showed my brother the pink room he voiced what my sister and my nieces and my mom had already said, "You can't replace this, this is an original, this is a work of art". So as you can see by the picture I kept the carpeting. It's shabby and many of the pieces of carpet are worn, but everytime I see it it reminds me of my own mom and the strength and love women have.

The following pictures are just pictures showing why we called it the pink room. It's the perfect little girl's room I would have loved to have as a little girl. I've decorated it with some of the many bear's I've collected through the years and some dolls that April has given me. I still have boxes and boxes of bears stored in the garage and as soon as the weather is better and I have some energy I plan to have a yard sale.
Isn't the pink room pretty? No one lives in it, it's kind of my guest room.

Usually there is a quilt my mom made with bears all over it, but I took it off to wash it and didn't put it back on, but talking about the quilts has given me an idea of taking pictures of everyone's quilts and doing a separate post on them.

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