Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mosaic Monday - First Time Cousins Meet

I mentioned in a few previous posts that most of the family on my mom's side recently reunited in Arizona due to the funeral services of our dear Aunt Herminia. It was so sad to have to get together for such an event, but also I spoke of the silver lining...getting the family together again.

I mentioned that many of the cousins had never met each other or at least hadn't seen each other in years.

Today for Mosaic Monday I want to share the meeting of two little girl cousins. One of them is my niece Melissa who is my brother Fred's youngest child. I've done many a post on Melissa as she is truly a character! A little girl born with a personality like no other. I love her to bits!

The other little girl is the youngest child of my 2nd cousin Michael and his wife Kelly. I feel so bad that I can't remember her name because when I was introduced to her I was told that a lot of people call her Lulu and that's the name that stuck in my head. Kelly, Michael...sorry, please email me Lulu's given name.
(I received an email from my cousin Eliza's whose daughter & son are pictured in the last picture on this post. Lulu's name is really Anamarie, much prettier than Lulu right?)

I'm writing this post in hot pink in honor of these two little girls. Because they are both the youngest members in their family and they are both little princesses in every sense of the word. Both little girls very used to being the apple of their daddy's eye and used to having their every wish fulfilled. And both used to everything being all about them.

 So they had moments that they didn't get along, but for the most part I believe they had a great time and I can't wait to see them get together again.

And one more picture, not as a mosaic, but also showing cousins that had a great time together. My brothers son Fred Jr., and I'm sure the other two belong to my cousin Eliza, but Tweetie, I'm sorry...I didn't get their names, please let me know. Your daughter by the way is so beautiful!!! I love her hair!
(Again, my cousin Eliza sent me an email, the boy in the red shirt is her son Matthew and the gorgeous little girl is Alianna. The big guy is again, my brother Fred's son, Fred Jr or Freddie.)

 Family faces are magic mirrors looking at people who belong to us, 
we see the past, present, and future.
-- Gail Lumet Buckley

Please visit Mary at Little Red House to enjoy other lovely mosaics.

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