Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Have I Done Any Good
in The World Today?

So as of late Brett and I have been serving as ordinance workers in the Timpanogos temple.
 I love it. That’s all.

Okay, maybe that’s not all I wanted to say…

Although it’s challenging at times to wake up at 3:30am in order to get to our shift on time
 (we work the 5:00am-11:00am) shift, it is SO worth it.
One of my many favorite things about working in the temple? 
Definitely the beginning of the shift.
Before starting our rotations one of the temple presidency members always
take a moment to share a thought with us.
These priesthood holders are so wise and such spiritual giants.
They always enlighten my understanding of the gospel and temple ordinances.
Anyways, this past week, the Temple President spoke to us
about the joy that comes from service. It really touched my heart.
As he spoke to us he asked us, “What is the prayer that never goes unanswered?”.
 When he first asked this, I was pretty confused.
 I knew that there was NO prayer that ever goes unheard,
 but I wasn’t sure which prayers NEVER went unanswered.
President Reynolds proceeded to explain that the prayers that never
 go unanswered are the ones where we are asking who is in need of our help.
Boy, isn't that true?

 In my life as I have prayed to know who to serve, I have ALWAYS received a response.
 Why is this significant?
When I am serving others, I feel pure joy.
Regardless of what is going on in my life, regardless of my situation,
regardless of how I am feeling,
when I drop what I am doing to serve others around me, I feel so happy.
This is probably one of the other greatest reasons I love serving in the temple.
 As President Reynolds spoke to us, it made me think of
one of my favorite quotes by Camilla Kimball.
 “Never suppress a generous thought.”.
I love those small “do good” promptings.
 Listening to President Reynolds reminded me of the importance of serving
others and acting on the promptings to serve.
I decided I really wanted to re-commit myself to praying more for opportunities
 to serve and acting upon those small and quiet promptings.
I recreated this simple quote to print out and put in my scriptures to remind me of my goal.
What a sweet and simple reminder.

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