Monday, July 16, 2012

Okay I am totally kicking myself for not any pictures this weekend.
Regardless, I want to capture the memories.

Back Track...
 So for the past couple years (since I returned home from my mission),
 my family has wanted to take a big trip.
For whatever reasons (including two weddings) nothing has happened.
About a month ago I was sitting with my Dad on a Sunday afternoon.
We started reminiscing about our past family experiences.
We then started to realize how much our family dynamics were going to change within the next year...
Brett and me moving to AZ, Carley and Trent going to grad school, Caitlyn graduating...
changes were bound to happen.
We decided it was now or never. The planning began.
We proceeded to look at cruises over the Christmas break.

Throughout the planning process we kept Caitlyn and Cade out of the loop, wanting to make it a surprise. 
We booked flights and the cruise without giving the slightest clue.

This weekend we decided we were going to break the news at Brett's birthday party bash. 
It was decided that we were all going to go to Nickelcity to celebrate.
It was seriously such a blast. Full of laugh attacks and fun.
Anyways, when it came time to give Brett his birthday cake we covered the cake so no one could see. 
After singing to Brett my parents unveiled the cake to show a white frosted cake that read,
"Merry Christmas! CRUISE 2012".
(wish i had taken a picture of the cake. just about the ugliest thing you had ever seen).

Caitlyn and Cade's reactions were priceless.
They were so excited and SO grateful.
Caitlyn was the sweetest. I swear that girl never cries, but boy was she emotional.
 She was so overwhelmed and touched that she began to get teary eyed as she asked, "All of us get to go?"
Of course we all burst into tears, touched by her reaction and love. 

That's the Cosgrove love my friends.
No matter what we are doing, so long as we are all doing it together, we feel blessed and happy.
Boy am I grateful for a family that possesses that much love.
Can't wait to spend Christmas in the Caribbean with these people!

Flights booked....Check
Cruise Booked....Check
Memories with some of the people we love the most... Can't Wait.

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