Saturday, July 28, 2012

i love the mountains, 
i love the rolling hills...

This Friday I had the opportunity to go up and share some time with the young women at camp Mia Shalom. 
It was such an unforgettable experience. 

I'll admit--- In the past, I have never been the biggest fan of yw girls camp. 
The cell showers... typically not my cup of tea.
However, for whatever reason, my eyes were really opened to the real importance of girls camp this year. 
As I pulled into camp Shalom  for the first time in YEARS, I felt so much joy and gratitude. 
It is a place where many of my most important memories live,
 including the place where I learned for the first time what my testimony was.. 

I realized that girls, including myself don't go to girls camp because they love the bugs,
or smelling like an awful fire, or getting grimmy (okay, well maybe some of them do).
The main reason we go is to be spiritually fed. To become closer to our Savior and to feel His love.

This theme for camp this year was...

It was amazing to see how much the young women had changed in the course of a week. 
When I met up, hugged, and greeted them, I could tell that their countenances had changed. 
They were all glowing with the love and light of Christ. 
It seriously touched my heart. Once again, the youth are amazing. 

We spent the day singing, hiking, laughing, talking, making friendship bracelets, studying.
Favorite part of the day?
Testimony meeting. 
I'll tell you what, I was so extremely touched and humbled to be able to hear the testimonies of the girls.
I guess sometimes as a leader, I have felt like I may not always "getting through" to the girls.
More than anything, I want the girls to know how precious they are in the sight of their Heaveny Father.
It was amazing to just sit there and listen the girls pour out their hearts. 

I was so touched when one of the young women stood to bear her testimony. 
She stood and testified in the light of the fire that she knew that her Heavenly Father loved her.
Regardless whether or not she was smart.
Regardless if she wore makeup.
Regardless if she lived in a big house.

As each girl stood to bear their testimonies, the spirit was tangible
. It is an experience and moment that I will never forget.
Their testimonies and examples strengthened me personally as a women.
I love the young women.
I love learning from them.
I love knowing and feeling proud that they are our future.
I love girls camp and the experiences it brings.
Can't wait to go back next year. 

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