Thursday, October 4, 2012

General Conference Notebooks

Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice
Okay, just another quick idea!
I can't resist---this one was just so easy, and turned out great!

This week for mutual, the girls decided they wanted to make 
I mean seriously---what a darling idea, right?

We decided to keep the project simple. 
We bought some cheap leather composition notebooks.
I went ahead and created some tabs for each of the general authorities.

We cut out a tab for each of the apostles and first presidency.
(The tabs included their name and picture).
We took tape and gave the pictures a quick laminating job in order to keep the tabs a little more firm. 
After laminating the pictures, we layered the tabs throughout the notebook 
(giving a few pages to each general authority in order to use the notebook in the future).
 We are all sure excited to use our general conference notebooks this weekend!
It will allow us all to record some of the sweet promptings we receive.

Feel free to use and share this idea...
It sure was a huge hit with our young women! 

You can download the tabs I created HERE! 

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