Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Iwanna Wednesday
See...I was going to do an Iwanna post on toasters, cause Iwanna one. But I'm going to save that post for next week because what you're about to see. . . well frankly it got me so hot I can toast my own toast without a toaster!! Whewwwww Baby!
What Iwanna is one of the Men of Mortuaries, especially the one changing the tire on the hearse, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmm!!!
Watch this video and enjoy and if possible donate, it's a great cause! We've all had family members with breast cancer.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Doctor's Appointments
Adrenal Disorders
Lipid Disorders
Pituitary Disorders
Parathyroid and Calcium Disorders
PCOS, infertility
Thyroid Disorders ...which is my disorder and why I see one.

So why did I lie and try to pass off these two gorgeous men as my doctors? Well because today's doctors visits consisted of the endocrinologist and the surgeon (both during different appointments, one at 8am and one at 9am) massaging and palpitating my neck and shoulder area gently with their bare hands. And do you think that when I closed my eyes, (cause to be frank, it felt pretty damn good) I thought about the actual real life doctors? No way Jose! I thought about those two doctors up above. It was worth the $275 a piece that I paid today!
A girl can dream can't she?
I can't wait til next Monday when I have a mammogram scheduled. Let's see what doctor or x-ray technician I conjure up for that one! Stay tuned.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Disneyland was Great!
Then she told me that she invited my nieces, Alicia and Beatriz and I thought, well that's great. I would love to hang out with them as well and if I back out at the last minute April will still have someone to go with.
Then she told me that my brother Fred, his wife Norma and little Fred and baby Melissa would be going also and well that cinched it that I was going to have to suck it up and go. And I'm sure glad I did, because we had the BEST TIME EVER!!! We opened and closed the park and it was so great to see little Fred and Melissa enjoy their first time at Disneyland.
Here are some pictures because as the saying goes, a picture is worth a 1000 words. . .

First ride...Jungle Cruise. Here's Melissa and her daddy Big Fred. Now those are the faces you come to Disneyland to see. Just look at those smiles!

After that ride it was time to split up. Fred, Norma, Little Fred and Melissa took off for Toon Town, Small World and the Tea Cups. They promised to wait and ride the Tea Cups with us. Here's the girls outside of the Indiana Jones ride. This one was fun! I was amazed that I wasn't scared to get on them because I usually don't like the fast, scary rides and prefer to sit them out. I was feeling particularly adventurous this day :-) I rode Splash Mountain and Space Mountain as well.

Mother and daughter! I know I look drunk, but hey, it was barely 9am. My eyes are actually just trying to refocus after that ride! Seeing April smiling made this whole trip worthwhile! Thank you so much April for wanting to drag your tired, old mom with you! xoxoxoxo

Check out the this a face or what?? Beautiful!

Here's the gang in the other Tea Cup. It is just too funny to watch grown men sitting in these Tea Cups!

Uh Oh! I think Fred has had just about enough of this spinning around, don't you think? Although April, Beatriz and little Fred seem to find Fred's discomfort rather amusing.

Here's Melissa telling Daddy it's ok after his scary ride on the spinning Tea Cup.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Iwanna Wednesday
Monday, June 15, 2009
Putting Up Walls

If you were to just look at it you wouldn't know that it's made with recycled water bottles. And when you think about how many water bottles you go through in a month you could easily have all the supplies you need to make this in just a few short months; maybe 1 month if you're a real big water drinker...which I'm not.
Pretty cool, don't you think?
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Happiest Place on Earth
It's known as the Happiest Place on Earth (I've always thought my couch during nap time was the happiest place on earth).
Yep, I'm gonna go see Mickey!
M . I . C . . . K . E . Yyyyyyyyy
M O U S E!
I'm headed there with my daughter and my brother Fred's whole Clan!
Wish me luck because I don't know that I'm cut out for amusement parks anymore :0(
I'll be sure to post pictures when I get back.
I'm really excited because
1. I'm going with my daughter,
2. I'm going to be with my nieces Alicia and Beatriz,
3. I get to see Melissa experience her first time at Disneyland,
4. I get to experience seeing my brother Fred having fun for once!
and last but not least I get to see little Fred and Norma experience Disneyland!
It should be a fun time for all.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Iwanna Wednesday
So I started thinking about what else I could do to relieve stress and I realized that what Iwanna one of these. . .

A hot tub! And I don't want just the hot tub, Iwanna the whole enchilada! The Gazebo and see there...see that little bar on the side? Love that! And Iwanna one of those big screen tv's that slides out of the side and slides back into a hidden panel. And that's what Iwanna this Wednesday, especially since it's going to get pretty hot, pretty soon.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Update on the Nico Bowl or La Olla de Nico
This is the story. . .
Remember these?
You do if you grew up in Arizona in the late 50's early 60's. These are S & H Stamps. You used to get these for free everywhere, from grocery stores to the five and dime stores and gas stations. I remember licking hundreds of pages and being totally anal about lining them up perfectly on the pages of the books you used to place them in.
When you had enough books you could exchange them at the S & H Redemption Store.
And that is where the Nico Bowl came from. My mom saved enough stamps to snag the Nico Bowl and she gave it to Nico. I always remember Nico keeping panesitos or tortilla's or Bizcocho's in this bowl. My mom says that after Nico passed Tia Leonor used it to boil the beans. Every time my mom would go to Eloy to visit Tia Leonor she would tell Tia, "Hoyes Leonor, cuando me vas a dar la Olla de Nico". And Tia Leonor would say "Talk to the hand!" No, not really, but she would put her hand up the same way and tell my mom, "Esperate, esperate". (Wait, wait)
One day I guess my mom caught Tia Leonor in a good and generous mood and when she asked for the Olla, Tia Leonor told her to go ahead and take it. . . and that is where the Nico Bowl came from. So Nico and Leonor have both used the bowl, then my mom, then my brother Fred.
A free bowl, from S & H Green Stamps? And Hallmark thinks they have the market on wonderful memories?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Dos Equis Beer
I love the way beer tastes. I don't particularly like that it gets you drunk since I love the flavor itself. Anyway, since I saw this commercial I guess this guy has become a big hit.
Here's the commercial of the Most Interesting Man in the World and Dos Equis drinker.
You can find out more info on the Most Interesting Man in the World here.
Friday, June 5, 2009
"Crazy" Friday
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Iwanna Wednesday

It looks like my rose bush has sprouted a branch that might or might not be a climbing rose. It hasn't bloomed yet, so I'm not sure it's a branch that will bloom or not. See how it separated at the bottom?

Iwanna one of these as well. Isn't this one really pretty and different?

Monday, June 1, 2009
Thrift Store Treasures
My idea of a perfect Saturday is to wake up late, (around 8am) and head out for the thrift stores. I just think to myself, "Settle down cobwebs, dust to go sleep, I'm shopping with mom, cause mom's don't keep." (Meaning I don't worry about cleaning the house on Satudays, none of us remember how clean our mom's houses were do we? But we remember time spent with our mothers.)
This Saturday, we hit the Goodwills and found many treasures. Sometimes you go and you find nothing, sometimes you just get lucky. The first Goodwill we hit had nothing and we got a little discouraged. The second one...well I hit the jackpot. I left the shopping cart with my mom who was looking at blouses and I went to check out the aisles with dishes, Nick-knacks, odds and ends...and I found these!!! $.75 each.

Beautiful wine glasses with a hand painted grape design! I think you can click on them to see the design better. I'm trying to do a grape theme in my kitchen and they're harder to find than you might think, so I was really happy to find these. So I carried my little treasure back to my mom's shopping cart and my mom said, "You don't have room for those, where are you going to put them?" And I said, "C'mon Mom, there's always room for jello!" And off I went again.
So then, I came across these gorgeous ice cream bowls. What I first noticed is that they almost looked like carnival glass. I have one piece of carnival glass and I love it. These were not carnival glass, but I was really in need of ice cream bowls. Lovely, aren't they? $.75 each.

So since I was on a roll, I took off again and happened to catch one of the ladies who works at Goodwill bringing out a wire cart from the back room. In the back room they have these magical elves that price the treasures and put them on a wire cart. Then the ladies roll them out with brand new treasures that haven't been picked over yet! Oh, let me tell's a joy and a privilege to be the first to pick through the NEW junk!
That's where I found the "Nico Bowl". What is a Nico Bowl you ask? Well, I had an aunt named Nico. Nico was the most wonderful, beautiful soul ever born on this earth, next to the mother of Jesus Christ! She was a gentle, loving woman who although she never had children of her own made us all feel like we were her children. I don't ever remember a cross word from Nico, a frown or a reprimand. I just remember love; beautiful, wonderful, unconditional love.
Nico had a bowl that looks like the one pictured below.

I can remember this bowl as a child filled with little "panesitos" (little bread). Nico used to make these little unleavened rounds of bread that we loved to eat with beans, or Chile Verde or Bologna. My mom still makes them and they are one of my son's favorite foods.
My mom ended up with this bowl and it became for our family; the Nico Bowl, or La Olla de Nico. This bowl is famous in our family for being the bowl/olla that holds bbq meat every single time we bbq. It's famous for my brother Fred saying to first Alicia (his daughter, not me), then Bebe. "Ale/Bebe, bring me the Nico Bowl", when the meat was done on the grill. When La Olla de Nico comes out, you pretty much know it's almost time to eat!
So now I have my own Nico Bowl, or Olla de Nico. Let's hope that I can build memories as wonderful as the ones Nico left me in my childhood and that my brother Fred gave me in adulthood.
What childhood memories do you have of Nico, or some family member in your life?