Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Blog of Note for Bill from Affordable Accoutrements!!

Every now and again I check Bloggers Blogs of Note and find a pretty good blog to follow, but imagine my surprise to find as Blog of Note for November 12th a blog that I've been following for quite a few months now.

I clapped my hands with Glee!!! Literally!

Bill from Affordable Accoutrements!!

Bill has such a wonderful blog and I especially love his tablescapes. He fills his table with romance and the grace and elegance of "olden days". Not only is his blog beautiful; it's also educational and historical as he goes into a lot of detail as to who and where his dishes, glassware, silverware, everything came from. He also makes a mean mojito!

If you want to follow a blog that will fill you with Awe and make you go *sigh* please run over there right now!

Congratulations Bill! Good work and I hope to enjoy your gorgeous tablescapes for many years to come!

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