Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm a Winner! I'm a Winner!

I won my first blog giveaway! I'm so excited. I kind of felt like I had a win coming my way and sure enough, I did!

So what did I win? Who did I win it from? What am I gonna do with my winnings?

Whoa, hold on there! Geez, all these questions!

Actually those are all the questions that went on in my head when I saw in my email a simple message in the subject line that said "You won!"

Oh my gosh, was this spam? A virus? Dare I open it? Oh I dare baby!!!

It was a very nice email from Marian with Mustard Seed Creations. And a simple message that read, "Congratulations Alicia! You won the Frog Tape giveaway on my blog! Send me an email to let me know what size t-shirt you would like. (M, L or XL). Good for you!"

You betcha "good for me"!
Look what I won.

Marian and several others out there in blogland do amazing things with this Frog Tape, please head over to Mustard Seed Creations and see what amazing things can be done...cause I doubt there will be amazing things done here with it...lol. Just kidding. I already kinda, sorta have a project lined up.

I immediately texted my sister to see if she wants to do a sister project of repainting hers and mines/mine/my(?) kitchen cabinets. Geesh my language skills suck when I'm excited!

She thinks it would be a good idea but wants to wait for the weather to be nicer, but I say "Weather be damned, we must use this Frog Tape immediately, we owe it to Marian!" So hopefully I can get sissy-poo excited about this and we can get a project going.

In the meantime, I just feel like such a winner today and I wanted to share with everyone. Thank you Marian for making my day!!

Oh...and p.s. isn't that t-shirt totally adorable? I can't wait to see it live and in person on my person!

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