Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Puppy Mania!!!

Wow! I've never had such a huge response to one of my posts before. I would love to think that it's my brilliant writing skills or my quick wit or my artistic photography or my dry humor; but alas...I know it's puppy mania.

But I really can't be too "alas" about it cause she is a great subject. I'm contemplating just posting cute puppy pictures for my future blog career :-)

Thanks to everyone for all the comments and compliments and kind words. My daughter April was really thrilled that everyone had such a great response for Chorizo/Precious.

Here's some photos taken by April from her IPhone. Enjoy and for a little bit, just bear with me and the fact that I will probably bore you all to death with puppy talk. I promise for Iwanna Wednesday I won't post puppy pics. Well maybe one, but c'mon...she's soooooooo cute!

She's only a bit bigger than a calculator, that should give you an idea of how teenie-tiny she is.

Thanks again to everyone and you long as you're here, you could hit the follow button over there in the sidebar and be guaranteed to be notified every time there's a puppy post :0)

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