Many people have questioned my passion for collecting trinkets,
baubles, curios and doodads.
baubles, curios and doodads.
Junk, jewelry, novelties and whatnot's.
Many people have scoffed at the idea of traipsing
through someones home at an estate sale,
or spend a Saturday touring thrift stores.
They wonder how it could possibly bring me pleasure
to go through someones things.
"Doesn't it make you sad?" they ask.
"To rifle, go through, grab, pillage and plunder
someones possessions?
Someone who is now dead and gone?
Someone you never knew?"
My theory is a simple one.
The joy, pleasure and sheer ecstasy I feel when I find a treasure;
I know that someone else upon my death will find that same
joy, pleasure and sheer ecstasy in rifling, pillaging and plundering
through my treasures.
That's it...simple enough.
And someday, when someone goes through my things, perhaps,
perchance; it will be a kindred spirit of mine.
Someone who also will consider my death not as an end
but as an beginning to inherit and cherish the items
I collected
Many people have scoffed at the idea of traipsing
through someones home at an estate sale,
or spend a Saturday touring thrift stores.
They wonder how it could possibly bring me pleasure
to go through someones things.
"Doesn't it make you sad?" they ask.
"To rifle, go through, grab, pillage and plunder
someones possessions?
Someone who is now dead and gone?
Someone you never knew?"
My theory is a simple one.
The joy, pleasure and sheer ecstasy I feel when I find a treasure;
I know that someone else upon my death will find that same
joy, pleasure and sheer ecstasy in rifling, pillaging and plundering
through my treasures.
That's it...simple enough.
And someday, when someone goes through my things, perhaps,
perchance; it will be a kindred spirit of mine.
Someone who also will consider my death not as an end
but as an beginning to inherit and cherish the items
I collected

Please be sure to visit Mary at Little Red House for lots of other beautiful mosaics on this Mosaic Monday!

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