Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Iwanna Wednesday - It's a Bangle Thang!

Lately I've been on a jewelry kick. I think it all started a few Friday's ago when my sister Lisa and I went to Macy's and I wandered around in the jewelry department. I think I caught a virus, a jewelry "bug".

And you know that they say about jewelry. Oh...you don't? Well what they say is:

"Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles" ~Sonja Henie

So in the spirit of taking people's minds off my wrinkles (not that I actually have any) and being that this is Iwanna Wednesday and I can Iwanna anything; be it imaginary, extravagent, not invented yet...pretty much anything IWANNA, what Iwanna is. BANGLE BRACELETS!!!

When I was in high school, I remember having one exactly like this one. I loved it. I wore it every single day. But somewhere between high school and today (and no, we don't have to know how many years that was) I lost it. So Iwanna just a simple gold bangle like this one.

Or maybe Iwanna one like this. Still very simple and elegant and something I can wear everyday with almost anything right?

But then I got a little greedy and I thought to myself, "Self...if one bangle is good, wouldn't a whole bunch of them be better?" So Iwanna these now. Hmmm, maybe these on the right arm and the two above on the left arm? Hey...it's my Iwanna Wednesday, why not. And they're solid gold so I could wear them without fear of any nickel allergy.
Well, then again...you know what they say about Gold right? You don't? Oh geesh, alright, well let me fill you in.

Gold! gold! gold! gold! Bright and yellow, hard and cold! ~Thomas Hood

That makes sense, right, hard and cold. Maybe since the weather is getting colder and clothes are getting bulkier, maybe Iwanna something like these.

Bold and Bulky! Now Iwanna won't be Sulky! ~ Iwanna

Huh? What do you mean that's cheesy? I thought it was rather clever!

But as it's almost time for the holidays, how about these below? These are perfect with all the colors of Christmas, I think Iwanna these instead.

But then again, you know what they say (why do "they" always have so much to say?)

"Don't miss all the colors of the Rainbow looking for that Pot of Gold"

Maybe I should listen to they and look for something a little more colorful. I think Iwanna some of these. Aren't they beautiful?
"May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer." ~Irish Blessing

Iwanna so many pretty things, but always remember, even when you Iwanna everything. . .

I would rather be adorned by beauty of character than jewels. Jewels are the gift of fortune, while character comes from within. ~ Titus Maccius Plautus

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