Biggest and Brightest - The Wolf Moon
Did you all get a look at that moon tonight? It's the biggest and brightest moon we will see all year. Tonight it will be about 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than lesser full Moons of the year, according to
As a bonus, Mars will be just to the left of the moon tonight. Look for the reddish, star-like object.
Now I'm not a photographer. I don't have a super cool camera with zoom and telephoto lenses. I just have my little old Kodak EasyShare camera. But even with my camera I was able to take some pretty decent pictures. You can even see Mars which is to the left. I didn't believe it was really Mars, but I took several shots and Mars is always there! You can click on the photos to enlarge them so you can really make out Mars.
I know Mars looks like a little red squiggle, that is because my camera isn't the greatest, but still it's pretty cool. I wish I had taken these pictures earlier when the moon was down lower, I almost had to point the camera straight up into the sky to get these, but I went out to enjoy a Friday night with my sister and we had a great meal and I had a well earned beer! I love Corona with Salt and Lime..Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I know several of you out there are expert photographers so I hope you got great pictures (I'm talking to you JarieLyn and Stine!)
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