Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Princess Named Chorizo

As you read in my previous post I went to visit my daughter last weekend. We had great fun and great food. But the high of my weekend besides seeing my daughter was seeing that gorgeous puppy of hers...Chorizo, or as I call her Precious!

Believe it or not; even though I had my camera with me, I didn't take one single picture of her. I think it was because I had too much fun playing with her. Luckily my daughter April sends me three or four or a hundred photos of Chorizo almost every day. So let me share some.

Here's the Princess herself, Princess Chorizo lounging on April's bed. 

Doesn't she look pretty in pink? I think she's getting used to being photographed now as she at least holds still. April had her coat shaved and so she looks really blonde now, but you can still see so much black on her head and I love the little white goatee. I know Princesses shouldn't have goatees, but it seems to suit this Princess doesn't it?

Here you get a really good look at her new haircut.

Look at that face!!! Don't you just want to eat her up!

And that bow! April has bought this little puppy way more hair accoutrements than I have!

Actually I don't wear bows, but if I did Chorizo would still have more than me!

And here she is on a car trip! She's sitting in April's lap here. Don't worry, I already questioned April about whether or not she was driving with a dog in her lap and taking a picture with her cell phone at the same time.

She wasn't, she was parked. I raised her better than that!
Isn't Precious pretty in purple as well?

Here's another picture of her with her owner wearing that beautiful purple Pea Coat.

I love that coat. In fact that weekend that I was there I bought a gorgeous coat at JC Penney that was almost like a Pea Coat. It was Black and White and I'll have to get a picture of it to show you.
Not as pretty as the purple though :-(

And it's been a busy and adventurous day for all of us and I'm going to take a cue from Chorizo and get a nap in before bed :-)
I hope you all enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed receiving them in email from my daughter April. Thanks April, keep them coming!

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