Sunday, January 3, 2010

I have HOPE in 2010!!

I had a visitor come to live with me in the New Year. She actually arrived on New Years Eve and she's found a home for now on my Wall of Random Beauty in my bedroom.

Early in December, I was visiting one of my favorite bloggers, Jeanette of Sweet Jeanette fame.

Sweet Jeanette

Jeanette is a very talented blogger, writer, cook and seamstress. Jeanette is pretty much good at anything she puts her mind to and I love to visit her blog.

On this particular day in December she was hosting a giveaway of a beautiful Angel that she had made and named Hope. I of course entered the giveaway cause who doesn't love a giveaway? And amazingly enough...I won!

Hope arrived in my home on New Years Eve. She's beautiful and much larger than I thought she would be although Jeanette said she was larger than she looked online!

Hope immediately found a spot to rest after her long trip from Florida. She noticed that there was an empty spot my Wall of Random Beauty.

I call this My Wall of Random beauty as I want to use this wall to feature items that I find beautiful.

I hope to use the items on the wall for a while and change the items out regularly with other beautiful items. That way my Wall of Random Beauty will always have beautiful things on it that inspire me and make me smile. This wall is at the foot of my bed so it is the first thing I see when I wake in the morning. My sister-in-law Connie gave me the framed "It's a Wonderful Life" picture and it's a great reminder on those days when I don't feel like getting up that it is after all a wonderful it's best to just get up and get at it! Life I mean :-)

Here's a close-up of Hope. Can you believe Jeanette hand-made this Angel? I am so impressed and so in love with this lovely Angel and I'm sure during the year she will find other spots in my home to give HOPE to!

Thank you Jeannette for giving me Hope in the New Year!

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