Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Iwanna Wednesday -

Ok, so by now everyone is well aware that I went to visit my daughter the weekend before the one that just passed. She has her own apartment now and I was expecting to see a BIG MESS with lots of boxes and eating out of paper plates and cups. I guess I expected it to look like her bedroom when she lived at home! But she's done a great job in setting everything up and making everything comfy and cozy for herself.

One thing I really loved was in her kitchen. Even my mom loved it cause she picked it up and brought it to me on the couch to show me. It was a kitchen timer that looked like this pear here.

Isn't that so cute? And the picture doesn't even show the true green color of the pear. I have a plain old ugly white plastic timer that I have had for about 12 years, so I probably won't ever get rid of it because it has a lot of sentimental value (I get sentimental over almost anything ).

But since it's Iwanna Wednesday I figure I can show you some of the ones that Iwanna if I could bear to part with the one I have :-)

Now in case I have any new readers, which I'm sure I won't have because I haven't had any new ones in a while :-( let me explain about Iwanna Wednesday. Bear with me those of you that already know what Iwanna Wednesday is about.

I love shopping! Whether it's window shopping, online shopping, actually plopping down some cash shopping...I LOVE SHOPPING. Shopping comes easy to me cause I find joy in almost anything. I can go into any store or restaurant or even someone's home and say, "Oh, I want one of those!" I do that so often that my sister started calling me "Iwanna", cause Iwanna everything.

That's where blogging really helps, because I can Iwanna random objects and blog about them and show you pictures and usually you all respond back with Iwanna items and ideas of your own...which makes it even more fun.

So let me show you the kitchen timers Iwanna this Wednesday.

This one is kind of cute. I like the way you set it with the little tabs at the top that look a little bit like Mickey Mouse ears. Plus the numbers are nice and big so that we visually challenged individuals can see them!

And speaking of Mickey Mouse's a Mickey Mouse timer. Awwww, isn't this cute?

Iwanna one of these. I was just at Disneyland recently, why didn't I buy one! Why, why, why!


And here's one fit for Princess Iwanna, the only thing is Iwanna one in pink, not blue. But still the blue is pretty. I love the different color blue balls on the tip of the crown.

I bet we all Iwanna this one. Have you ever seen anything so darn cute? I love the little mouse staring in at all that yummy cheese!

I don't know, I might be willing to lose all sentimentality for my ugly plastic white one if I could have this one!

And how about this one? Do you know someone that would love this one? I've never seen one like this. You pull up the measuring tape to set the timer!

Hungry? I know I would be if I had these next two sitting on my stove all the time.  

This hamburger one is unique isn't it?


And for dessert? Iwanna one of these yummy cupcakes with sprinkles and a cherry!

Iwanna any one of the above, but I guess for now I'll stick with my big, white plastic one. It does have sentimental value. You know how many times I've set it to time frozen pizzas? Baked chicken? Cupcakes? Set it to time the 25 minutes necessary to dye my hair? Yep, for now what I wanna is the one I have. 

What kind of kitchen timer do you have? What's the most interesting thing you time with it?

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