Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sunday Favorites - My Mothers Talented Hands

It's a new year, a new decade and there will be a whole bunch of new blogs and new blog posts in this next year. But it's always nice to look back. To reflect and savor a post written that's special to the writer. And that's why I love Sunday Favorites, hosted by Happy to Design.

This is a favorite post of mine from September 14, 2009. Another reason for posting this one today is that tomorrow I want to share another work of art done by my mother's hands.

September 14, 2009

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~Milton Berle

It's amazing that with only two hands mothers do as much as they do. My mom is a perfect example of that. Growing up I always remember my mom busy doing something, sewing, cleaning, cooking, painting, crocheting...and since we're at crocheting I'll stop because that's what I wanted to talk about today and share with you.

My mom has always been great at crocheting. She once did the whole Last Supper in crochet. And I'm not talking some little piece that goes in a little frame...this was a HUGE piece which was framed and hung in her kitchen for many years. It probably measures 6feet by 4 feet. It looks something like this one, only much more massive.

Unfortunately I couldn't photograph it because right now it's sitting in the frame on the floor behind her very heavy china hutch in her kitchen. But it's mine. She gave it to me many, many years ago. I have no idea where I will hang it because I really have no walls in my kitchen, but I will knock out a window and make a wall out of it if I have to!!!

But ok, before I start knocking out windows and building walls, let me just get back to the subject of my post today. My mom has started crocheting again and her first project was this little beauty for me :-)

A beautiful butterfly panel. It's pretty big as you can tell from the photo below. This isn't a love seat it's a chair and a half and this fits clear across it. I would love to display it differently but I haven't found quite the right place yet...but I will.

Mom is currently working on another project which I hope to post for you as soon as it's finished. I think it's going to be about as big as the one above, and she's only half done.

My mom taught my sister and I both to crochet, and I've made a doily here and there. I have posted one here. But I have no where near the talent or determination my mom does.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment!

Be Well!

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