Monday, November 15, 2010

And the Winner Is. . .

We interrupt your Monday with an important message from Alicia with Titere con Bonete!

Happy Monday Everyone! Before I announce the winner of my FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY of a $65.00 gift certificate to CSN store I want to thank everyone who entered and I want to say welcome to my new followers and a big hug to the followers I had prior to the giveaway.

It was a lot of fun seeing all those comments come in and seeing my followers grow! I finally hit over 100 and I'm thrilled beyond belief!

I know, I know...get on with it.

Ok, drumroll please! And the Winner is:

Liz  from Quiltz 'n' Hoez who says:
This Thanksgiving, I plan to do a bunch of baking, have a few friends and relatives over for dinner, and then play board games or maybe go to a movie! Thanks for the giveaway!

Congratulations Liz! Please shoot me an email and I'll give you the 411 on how to claim your prize!

Thanks again everyone and I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming!

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