First Happy Veteran's Day. I know it's kind of towards the tail end of the day itself but I remembered to text my brothers, both ex-Marines with good wishes and gratitude for serving their country. I also sent a thank you to my dear friend Charles who served in Korea and worked with me at the funeral home. He's an embalmer and has a birthday coming up this Saturday, I believe he'll be 69! He always regaled us with many stories of his military life and for that I will be eternally grateful to him.
I met up with my sister after work today. She had the day off and had lots of appointments, including one to get her hair cut, in Bakersfield so she was still around when I got off work and we went to JC Penneys at the Mall. I had originally planned to buy myself something pretty but I was pretty tired and not really in the mood to shop.
But we went and had a very nice dinner at Coco's Restaurant. We tried their Fried Green Bean appetizer and they were almost as good as the one's at PF Changs. They just needed the spicy sauce PF Changs serves with them. I had the Chicken Tortilla Soup with a Green Salad and my sissy-poo had their Asian Chicken Salad. The food was great and the company was even better. Thanks Sis!
Today also was a thrilling day because I finally hit 100 Followers!!! Thank you all my followers. I appreciate each and every one of you! I'm humbled by your interest in my humble little blog :-)
I also want to remind everyone that hasn't already entered that I'm having my First Ever Giveaway. Please go and enter for an opportunity to win a $65.00 Gift Certificate to CSN Stores! It's a great way to get your Holiday Shopping going. Just click HERE to get the details!
Now I'm going to settle in for the night and watch The Big Bang Theory or as we call them, The Nerdy Boys; then "Bleep" My Dad Says and finally Greys Anatomy. Thursday is my biggest TV night!
I know this is kind of a Random Post but it's been an exciting, random kinda day for me.
I'm content and sometimes that's even better than being happy!
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