I know many of you are struggling with really bad weather; rain, hail and snow...so I feel kinda like a wimp complaining about how cold I am when it was 71 degrees today, but c'mon, I'm an Arizona/California child.
One thing I really love when it starts getting colder is a warm beverage. I wish I could drink hot chocolate all day long, but unfortunately...it's too rich and fattening.
But coffee is just as good. I used to stop and pick up a cup of Starbucks coffee every single morning...back in the days before a mortgage. Now I make coffee at home every morning and fill up my little travel mug and off to work I go.
I usually finish the coffee in my travel mug within 45 minutes of getting to work...and trust me, Iwanna more.
So I started thinking that maybe there is some type of contraption that I could use to transport beverages in their hot stage to my office. Something that would keep it hot, like my travel mug does but that would hold a lot more. Hmmmm, can you think of anything?
A Thermos you say? Why what a brilliant idea! A Thermos! Why didn't I think of that? Oh wait...I did! What Iwanna today for Iwanna Wednesday is a Thermos.
I've never thought about carrying a thermos because I always remember them looking like my dad's thermos. Remember those? They looked something like this one.
But the options available now make carrying a thermos really fashionable. Get a load of these that I found.
This one is my first choice. What I love about this one is the color, seeing as Green is my favorite color. Iwanna this one because the pink flowers are so beautiful! If you look really, really closely you'll see the flowers have little faces, some of the faces have little pink and white sunglasses! Too adorable for words!
And for those days when you really need that extra little spot of brightness in your life...maybe on a Monday...how about a colorful, happy thermos like this one? This one reminds me of my high school days. Days of flower power and hippy love. But remember....I was on the tail end of the Hippy Era!
This one would make for a bright and cheerful morning too! I just love the handle on it. It's a little more old fashioned looking, but maybe that's what I like about it.
You gotta love these, they're almost as pretty as the first one that I said was my favorite. Very feminine, no one would ever mistake this one for my daddy's thermos!
And again...because I love Green, I just fell in love with these. One for my beverage and one for some hot homemade soup. Anyone wanna make Iwanna some hot homemade soup? I'm really partial to Cream of Broccoli! Maybe cause it's green also?
You just can't get anymore professional yet colorful than any one of these! Let's see, you could take the Blue one on Blue Mondays, the Yellow one for Mellow Tuesday, the Beautiful Green one for Wacky Wednesday, the White one for We've Almost Made it Thursday and the Red One for Hot Friday's!
And for those of you with small children or grandchildren...how about this lovely thermos sippy cup. I wish they had had these when my kids were little!
So what's your poison of choice in the morning? Do you brew your own? Do you stop at a coffeehouse? Do you drive-thru or do you get off and converse with people? What Thermos would you get if given a choice?
Happy Iwanna Wednesday and I hope all your Iwanna Wishes come true!
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