Saturday, November 13, 2010

O Come, Divine Messiah

See also the French Original: Venez, divin Messie

O come, Divine Messiah!
The world in silence waits the day
When hope shall sing its triumph,
And sadness flee away.

Dear Saviour haste;
Come, come to earth,
Dispel the night and show your face,
And bid us hail the dawn of grace.
O come, divine Messiah!
The world in silence waits the day
When hope shall sing its triumph,
And sadness flee away.
O Christ, whom nations sigh for,
Whom priest and prophet long foretold,
Come break the captive fetters;
Redeem the long-lost fold. (Refrain)

You come in peace and meekness,
And lowly will your cradle be;
All clothed in human weakness
Shall we your Godhead see. (Refrain)

Text: Venez, divin Messie

Words: Abbé Simon-Joseph Pellegrin (1663-1745), trans. Sr. Mary of St.Philip.

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