Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Puppy Love

It was one year ago at Thanksgiving that I fell in love with a little bundle of fur named Chorizo. I first blogged about Chorizo in a Mosaic Monday post so I figured how better to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of having this beautiful puppy be a part of our lives than to do a post of all the Mosaic's I've done through the year with Chorizo as the main character and Star!

First the original mosaics; the first pictures I ever took of that sweet little puppy that stole my heart and turned me into an animal lover. Chorizo belongs to my daughter April and she surprised me by bringing her to Thanksgiving Day Dinner. That night she left Chorizo with me since she was going to Black Friday and the puppy and I bonded.

After those first pictures followed Christmas with Chorizo and her first Christmas Tree. She's always been such a good puppy; she never even tried to play with the Ornaments and various displays in my home.

Chorizo is such a well-behaved, sweet natured little puppy that loved to travel with us, so we took her to the beach and seal as well as whale watching.

Chorizo was also fun to dress up, check out her itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie little bikini! Through out the year she also had a Santa Claus suit and for Halloween she was a Sundae...a Chorizo Sundae.

She made it so much fun for me to create Mosaics!! She doesn't love the camera, which makes it hard to get good photos of her, but the camera definitely loves her!

She's the most photogenic member of our family! That's why she had her own puppy photo shoot!

I really look forward to another year of sharing my life with this little piece of Heaven on Earth and to doing many more mosaics.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to go visit Mary at Little Red House...the host of Mosaic Monday!

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