Monday, February 7, 2011

A Blogging Award

I love receiving blog awards! Imagine my surprise today when I got home and sat down to read a few blogs and the first blog I visited gave me an award!

Donnie from New Blessing Everyday had The Versatile Blogger Award waiting for me.

I really like this award because I think my little blog is very versatile; not by choice of course but by accident. Let me explain.

I started out with the thought in mind that this would be a journal type of blog. I wanted to write about my feelings and thoughts and perceptions of the world. I had enough feelings, thoughts and perceptions for about 3 months then I was all out!

So then I thought, I'll be a Foodie Blog and write these wonderfully witty and funny posts filled with gorgeous foodie porn pictures of souffles, quiches and various Mexican dishes. Then I realized you actually have to cook the food in order to photograph it. And once you cook the food, you gotta eat it. I'm not even mentioning the fact that I'm not a cook...but you can see where this idea wasn't going to work out so well. So that was out.

Then I decided I would be a blog about Yardsaling. I did that for a while once and that was great, except you have to get up at about 5am to get to the good stuff before everyone grabs it up. I didn't want to get up that early and I can't go anywhere without first showering, blow drying, curling and applying makeup. So there went my morning.

That's about the time the brilliant idea came to me to become a Thrifting blog. You know...go out to thrift stores and buy treasures to photograph and then display on the blog. That worked out great. I love, love, love thrifting, so does my partner in mom. I did that for quite a while again, but now I have no more room in my house for all my I think I'm about to become a Hoarders Until I have a yard sale I've put off buying any more home is filled with treasure, so much that there's barely room for me!

But one thing I can say about my blog is that it is definitely versatile! Thanks Donnie, I appreciate the award and gratefully accept it. Now I'm supposed to write 7 things about myself but I think I've covered that above so let me just summarize. . .

1. I'm versatile
2. I have trouble making up my mind
3. I like awards
4. I'm not a chef or even a foodie.
5. I love thrift stores.
6. I love shopping with my mom.
7. I love blogging and all my blogging buddies like dear Donnie from New Blessing Everyday!

I'm supposed to pass the award on to 15 other blogs I love...and trust me that would not be hard because I love so many. But because I haven't had dinner yet and a new episode of House comes on at 8pm and because I still want to ride my bike for a little while I'm just gonna award 5 blogs, then I'm getting off my hiney and getting some stuff done before i sit my hiney back down again to watch House.

I hereby bestow The Versatile Blogger Award to: (and whether you choose to accept it or not, know that I love your blog to bits!)
1. DUTA at Places with Character
2. SUMMUR at Braley Mama
3. DELLA at Della Grace's Life
4. KATHRYN at From the Inside...Out
5. The Wonderfully Funny Blogger at ClimbToNowhere

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