Saturday, February 5, 2011

You Have Called Us (Bernadette Farrell)

You have called us by our name. We belong to you.
You have called us by our name and we are yours.
1. You have chosen us to be members of your family.
In your love you have created us to live in unity.

2. You will lead us to your light, walk before us through the night.
You will guide us on our journey. You will keep our vision bright.

3. You will hold us when we fall, give new strength to hear your call.
You will never be beyond us, for your love is all in all.

4. You will nourish, you will lead, giving ev’ry gift we need,
for your reign will be established from the smallest of all seeds.

5. Through our sharing here today may our faith and life convey
Christ our light and Christ our vision, Christ our purpose, Christ our way.

Composer: Bernadette Farrell (b. 1957)

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.

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