Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Iwanna Wednesday - The Eyes Have It!

Last week my sister and I went to a store that we first heard about from our mom when she used to go to Arizona to visit her sisters. It's called Factory2U. Factory2U is an off-price retail apparel and house ware store. We'd never been in the one in Bakersfield before. We were looking for inexpensive rugs for my hallway and bathroom. We didn't find any. But what we did find was makeup.

First let me tell you that I love makeup. From an early age there was just something in me that admired women who wore makeup. My Uncle Woody was married to a woman named Carmen and Carmen was the most elegant, gorgeous woman I had ever seen. She dressed beautifully, teased her hair until it was about an inch away from the ceiling, wore stiletto heels and had the most gorgeous eyes with black eyeliner and beautifully shaped eyebrows. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. 

When I was in about the 3rd or 4th grade I remember a girl that somehow got a hold of her mother's red Maybelline eyebrow pencil...in black! The ones that looked like these. Remember these?

This little girl had watched her mother applying makeup and her mom would light a match and run the match across the black pencil part to melt it just a tiny bit so it would spread more smoothly. This little girl brought this pencil to school and promised that she was going to make us all gorgeous! So we all followed her into the girls bathroom where she lit a match and melted the black part and blew on it a bit to cool it off and proceeded to apply it to her bottom waterline. Instantly in my eyes she went from being a little girl to being an Egyptian Princess! I had to have some!

I can only imagine now what we must have looked like with this thick black goo on our eyes. But I remember feeling glamorous and grown up and I'm sure I must have just batted my eyes at all the little boys and made them swoon! Or so I thought. It's a miracle that we didn't poke our eyes out or burn them or burn down the school!

My mom wouldn't let us wear makeup until we were 15. And from the day I turned 15 to now I would say that 99.9% of the time I have worn makeup and love it still. I picture myself someday....being 90ish and getting up each morning, wandering around my house using a walker with the little yellow tennis balls on the bottom with perfectly applied makeup and mascara! 

But ok...the makeup my sister and I found, that's right...that's where I was headed. Ok. I found this. . .

This is a little round carousel of eye shadows! Have you even seen anything so perfect? Ok...I didn't get the one with the colors that are pictured in this one. I got the one that has lots of purples, plums, pinks, golds and browns. The beauty behind this little round carousel of eyes shadows...I just love saying that! The beauty is that the little thing poking out of the top is the eye shadow applicator. So each eye shadow has it's own and you don't end up mixing colors using the same applicator for all of them! How cool is that?

And doesn't it look like there would be tons and tons of powdered eye makeup in each little compartment? Well...HA! No truth in advertising here! When I tried it this morning I realized that the little applicator is fitted into a little cone in each compartment that has just about enough eye shadow to shadow about 1 1/2 eyes. That's a problem when you have two eyes to do! I know...right? And I thought I was going to be able to show off daring eyes like these at work today. . .

Alright...well maybe I exaggerate, but I at least thought I would be able to do something like this. . .

*sigh*...but no...it was not to be. I had to go to work with only 1 1/2 of my eyes done! So what is it Iwanna today for Iwanna Wednesday? Iwanna some full sets of eye shadows like these!

Heck ...as long as it's Iwanna Wednesday and I haven't done one in a while what Iwanna is for MAC to just set up their Mac Counter in my bathroom!

So what about you? Do you love makeup or are you a Natural Beauty. Just some Mascara and Gloss and Go for you? Any makeup tips? C'mon...share!

Happy Iwanna Wednesday and may all your Iwanna Wednesday's come true!

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