Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lara Logan

I just wanted to share quickly a link to a post that I read today about Lara Logan.

Lara Logan is the Chief CBS Foreign New Correspondent that was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted on February 11th during the celebration over the resignation of Hosni Mubarak.

I heard the story on the news and was horrified. Now I find out from this post that Lara is a mother of two, a wife, a journalist and only 39 years old.

The post over at When Pigs Fly is beautifully written and brings tears to my eyes when I think of what Lara went through and suffered and will continue to suffer through for a long time, if not for the rest of her life. Please take a moment and visit When Pigs Fly, you can click HERE to get to the story.

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