Monday, February 21, 2011

Out Of The Depths (Psalm 130)

1) Out of the depths, O God, we call to you.
Wounds of the past remain, affecting all we do.
Facing our lives, we need your love so much.
Here in this community, heal us by your touch.

2) Out of the depths of fear, O God, we speak.
Breaking the silences, the searing truth we seek.
Safe among friends, our grief and rage we share.
Here in this community, hold us in your care.

3) God of the loving heart, we praise your name.
Dance through our lives and loves; anoint with Spirit flame.
Your light illumines each familiar face.
Here in this community, meet us with your grace.

Paraphrase of Psalm 130

Text: Ruth Duck (1992)
Tune: FENNVILLE, by Robert J. Batastini (1994)

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