Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Brett and I are both very lucky to be able to work with the youth. 
Even though our callings keep us REALLY busy,
nothing is more rewarding than knowing you played a role in the future generation
 (Brett is currently serving as a deacon advisor and I am serving as the YW president). 

We were both really excited for youth conference this year. 
The goal was to keep it really short, sweet, and simple
 (allowing more of the youth to get involved and participate).
It was decided by the youth that they wanted to focus the conference on the Manti Miracle Pagaent.
On Wednesday morning, we drove two large charter buses of 100 youth
up to Manti for our youth conference 2012.

We knew it would be a great opportunity for the youth to get involved and 
strengthen their testimonies of the temple, Book of Mormon, and service. 

We started the conference with a great lunch,
then a service project cleaning up the temple grounds (pulling weeds, sweeping dirt, etc),
followed by fun outdoor games and activities (relay races, competitions, etc),
wrapped up with a great evening of watching the Miracle Pagaent.

All in all the conference turned out to be a real success. 
The youth really seemed to enjoy the time spent on the temple grounds 
whether it be working on the grounds or watching the pageant
I just can't express enough how much i love the youth and how inspired I 
feel by their examples and testimonies. 
They truly shine as they aspire to be the best they can be.
Again, I am so grateful for their examples and am so grateful for 
moments like this that i get to surround myself with their influences. 

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