Saturday, June 9, 2012

fix it, change it, rearrange it.

So awhile back I had gone to DI and found this beaten down hutch. At the time it was 
 nasty golden brown, old and ugly--- but for whatever reason, I saw huge potential!
This past weekend Brett and I had a blast brainstorming how we were going to give
this little beauty a make-over. We sanded her down, painted her a bright red, threw 
a cute fabric on for the background, gave her a few nice baskets, and topped her off with a 
few of our favorite family photos and sayings. Not too shabby if we do say so ourselves!

I love the projects that I get to do with Brett. It's the small moments like this that 
we cherish. Even though I know "crafting" isn't the top item on Brett's
 list of things he loves to do, I appreciate him being willing to help me out.
  I guess it's true what they say--- the family that crafts together, stays together 
(okay I might have put my own little spin on that one...)

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