Sunday, June 17, 2012

Let the Good Times roll
One of my favorite things about Sunday afternoon?
 Family time. 
Boy I love these kiddos. It seems like every time I am around them, I can't stop laughing.
They are both really growing up so fast. It is crazy to me. 
Caitlyn has enough spunk and sass to gag a horse.
Cade is crack up. So quick witted and full of sarcasm.
Together they are unreal.  
I feel so grateful for the time that I get to spend with them. They are such examples to me.
They know who they are, and could care less about what others think. 

One of the other greatest things about them is that they are the only 2 athletic members of our family. 
It is always such a fun time to be able to go and cheer these two on at their games.
They are both super competitive, especially against each other. 

At dinner tonight, Caitlyn asked everyone at the dinner table who we thought would 
win in a one on one basketball match between her and Cade. 
It turned into quite the competition (including everyone taking bets on who they thought would win
--- except for my Dad who remained a neutral coach taking the time to give advice to both parties). 
It was hilarious watching the little brother "stuff" the big sister, and the big sister outrun the little brother. 
We won't mention who won, but it was a definite close game :)

Boy I love these simple Sunday's being able to laugh and spend time with family---especially these two.
What a pair they are. 

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