Monday, September 10, 2012

Adding a little "Tender Lovin' Care"

I was so excited when Carley called me up tonight to come check out her new house.
Heaven knows I love that girl, and am THRILLED to spend any second I get with her.

Can I just say how much I love having a married sister?

With Trent away, we decided to take advantage of the time to add 
some good ol' tender loving care to the home. 
We both felt that the decorations turned out really cute! 

More than anything we shared a lot of good laughs together.
Gosh I love that girl! How blessed am I to have such a great sister?!

Carley had a lot of wall space and A LOT of frames.
We decided to double up on some of the frames.
We both really liked the way it added volume and color to the wall. 

We found this old teal doorknob and mounted it on one of Carley's old frames.
We also decided to update the actual knob with a crystal.
We found all these large frames at a second hand store.

On the opposite side we found a cute frame with a round center.
In that frame we mounted an old set of keys.
It had a cute nostalgic look to it, which we both really loved. 

These were some throw pillows I had made for Carley awhile back.
We both just LOVE the mixing and matching of patterns.
They added a sense of fun and color to the room.

Here is another picture of the way we doubled up on the frames.
Granted, we did spend like an hour hanging frames to get it "just right"
(we shared a few struggles during the processes)
but all in all, we both thought the room turned out cute!

What a fun and unexpected night!
Thanks Carley for allowing me to come spend some lovin time with you!
I certainly had a blast! 

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