Tuesday, September 4, 2012

High on a Mountain Top
For Labor Day, we decided that we wanted to visit the Brigham City Temple open house.
We were happy to be joined by Gary and Michelle.
I think we all were thinking that because it was Labor Day, the open house would be less crowded
(due to people BBQing, being with family, etc).
Definitely NOT the case.
It was packed to say the least (lines wrapping around the temple).
Regardless, it sure was a neat experience, and awesome to experience the beauty and spirit of the temple. 

For me personally, it brought back a flood of memories from the mission. 
During my mission I had the opportunity to participate and serve in the Gila Valley temple open house.
There is no other way of putting it than, it was truly a sacred and unforgettable experience. 

As I was walking through the temple,
 I thought a lot about what the temple has meant to me and my life. 
Serving in the Gila Valley temple open house, taking classes about the temple at BYU, 
working in the Provo and Timpanogos temples as an ordinance worker, 
being sealed in the temple for time and all eternity, 
attending the temple regularly as a patron...
Every moment I am in the temple, I can feel the blessings being placed POURED upon me. 

It made me begin to think how fortunate and blessed 
I have been to have gained so man blessings from Lord's house. 

It has strengthened my personal testimony and faith.
It has brought me closer to my sweet spouse. 
It has taught me more about Heavenly Father's plan.
It has helped me to find hope in times of sorrow.
It has helped me to better understand gospel principles.
It has made me a better person.

Honestly, I can't put into words how grateful and special the temple is to me and my life.
It is a great symbol and reminder in my life--- 
A reminder of who I am 
and a symbol of where I want to be. 

Wow. Just overwhelms me a little. 
Anyways, even though the grounds were quite crowded, 
we all really enjoyed our time together and the sweet beauty of the temple. 

To learn more about why we build temples, visit mormon.org

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