Monday, September 3, 2012

Memories of High School or I wish I had known I was THIN!

This weekend I did a lot of Spring Cleaning even though we are still in the hot clutches of the summer sun! I found lots of pictures that brought back lots of old memories.

For instance, I found this picture of me at my Senior Prom. This had to be in 1976. I remember this day well as I had butterflies all day.

I must have tried on 500 dresses and none of them made me happy because I was SO FAT! Seriously...I thought I was fat. Isn't that sad because now looking at this picture I realize what my mom always told me, that I wasn't fat, that I was the same size as all my friends!

What I wouldn't give to be this size again!

Do you remember your Prom? Do you remember shopping for dresses?

I was lucky, I loved this dress and the young man that took me was one of the sweetest guys in the world and we had a blast!

Ahhh high of the best times of my life!

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