Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scatter Sunshine

This past week for mutual we had a really fun night.
The idea was to create a original activity based on service. 
The young women and men came up with an idea to have a "Service Scavenger Hunt."
The youth were split into teams with 1 leader (about 4-5 per group), 
and given a list of tasks with coordinating point values. 
Here is the list that I created... feel free to use!

The activity turned out to be a blast.
Not only that--- it was a real eye opener. 
At first the kids were in a rush to get from house to house 
(trying to accumulate the maximum amount of points), 
but by the end, they were doing extra tasks at the home...
 just because.
After the activity, we pulled the youth together
 to hear their experiences with the service expedition.

It was awesome to hear how touched the youth were
 to hear things from the people they were serving like, 
"You just made my day..." or  "You have no idea how much this means..."
I think all in all, it was a great reminder of 
the impact the smallest acts of service can produce. 
It was an awesome activity and I would definitely recommend it!

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