Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's the Final Countdown
The time before we move to Arizona is really inching down.
We only have 8 months of school left.
Did I type that right?
8 Months.
Good grief.

As Brett and i sat down yesterday, we decided to create some new goals before we make the big move. 
We have a big year ahead of us and we felt it important to have a vision. 

For those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE goals.
I get a high from accomplishing things that I might have thought impossible. 
I have learned and grown so much from setting goals in my life.
I have also learned, that if I do not write down my goals 
(or keep them in a place I can see daily)--- I unfortunately, do not achieve them.

As we set our goals yesterday, 
we both realized we needed to put them somewhere we would see them daily. 
Brett had the great idea of using magnets to put them on our garage door.
This is a place we see DAILY.
We both knew it would be a place for a great reminder. 

What a team we are!
Brett came up with the awesome idea, and I put it to work
 by creating some cute icons to remind us of our vision. 
Here is how it turned out!

Obviously we knew that we would have people over, and some of our goals are very personal.
With those particular goals, we created special and secret codes with icons that only we know. 
I think it turned out pretty darn cute!
And more than that, it has truly pumped us up to accomplish these goals!

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