Monday, February 18, 2013

XOXO Happy Love Day

Better late than never right?
In honor of love day last week, I want to give a quick glimpse of what love looks like to me...

love is being patient with me despite the many weaknesses I have.
love is rubbing my back and holding me close when I am not feeling well.
love is encouraging me to work hard and be the best I can be.
love is watching downton abbey with me every week.
love is being patient with me, even when I am crazy emotional.
love is saying that i am beautiful even when i am breaking out.
love is kissing my unconscious (morning breathed) mouth every morning before work.

As much as I would love to thank Brett for surprising me with flowers...
 it's his true love that i appreciate the most. 

xo - love ya babe.

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