Wednesday, February 6, 2013

To think that I shall never eat another M and M...

It makes me sad to know
That I shall never eat
Another M and M
That preciously sweet treat.


     There, that’s my poem for the day! You didn't know I was a poet now did you? A sweet lament to the fact that there are so many sweet treats that I can no longer enjoy.

     Imagine knowing that for the rest of your life you can never have another M and M, Butterfinger bar, Skittles, Pixy Stix, Licorice Whips…ahhhh. And don’t even get me started on ice cream and cookies and cake..Oh MY!

     See, I know that my body does not process carbohydrates well. I’ve blogged about it before here and again here! But do I listen to myself when I blog these things? No! I don’t know why I don’t listen to myself when I totally expect everyone else to listen to me!

     Once upon a time, almost two years ago, I began eating healthier and exercising and riding my stationary bike every morning for 7 miles and every evening for another 7 miles, I was even contemplating training for a 5K Run. I lost almost 30 lbs and felt great.

     Then for one reason or another I slowly began slacking and eating a few things here and there that I shouldn’t, like the M and M and chips and salsa…oh and Cheetos too! Of course that meant that slowly the weight started coming back on, but always in the back of my mind I told myself “Don’t worry, you will be good again tomorrow.” But of course we all know that I don’t really listen to myself so that little voice did me no good at all.

     Well now, it’s not my own little voice telling me “Hey dumb-dumb, stop and listen to yourself!”, nope…now it’s a bigger, scarier more important voice telling me that. It’s the voice of my doctor who told me yesterday at the appointment to go over the results of my recent physical that I need to STOP!! My cholesterol is too high, my blood sugar is too high, my weight is too high…everything is too high except my salary! (But that’s another story for another day!)

     So she threatened me. She gave me two months to get myself under control or else she was going to have to prescribe medication to lower the cholesterol and she was going to have to put in my “permanent record” that I am now officially a diabetic. I remember in grade school and high school how fervently I guarded my permanent record!! And now to have it threatened in such a way…oh the agony.

     So if I am going to be healthy and happy and look cute in dresses again. If I am going to make my doctor happy and keep her from ruining my pristine “permanent record”, I am going to have to check myself and realize that I am not 21 years old anymore. I can't eat whatever I want, I do have to get off that couch and become more physical and I have to do it now as I only have two months to turn this pumpkin into a Princess...I know, I know, in Cinderella the pumpkin turns into a carriage, but I want to be a Princess!

     So I'm going to go back to eating low-carb and high-protein and I'm going to start exercising again and getting up earlier each morning to ride my bike. And maybe, just maybe, someday...when I reach my goal weight and I no longer have the threat of having my "permanent record" destroyed forever...I just might sneak an M and M or two or three...who knows.

     I actually began eating healthier and exercising on January 3rd, unbeknownst to my doctor. I've lost eight pounds but then had my little bout with Sciatica and I gained back two. But recently I found this awesome recipe that I want to share with you. Even if you aren't dieting, this dish is to die for! Yummy, spicy, addicting ..that's why it's called Crack-Slaw, it's as addicting as crack.

     So help me out. What do you eat that's healthy?    


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