Wednesday, August 14, 2013

As of late, missionary work has been on my mind. 
There is such an excitement and enthusiasm for missionary work in the church and I find myself constantly thinking...

 "How I can get more involved?"
"How can I be more prepared to share my testimony?"
"How can I show more love?"

I recently read the talk "Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep" from President Hinckley
(you can find here) and felt so inspired and motivated!
I especially loved when President Hinckley encouraged, 


I immediately thought of the youth. 
Have I mentioned before how much I love the youth program in the church?
Okay yes, I know I have.
But seriously, everything about it is so inspired. 

Nothing is more incredible than hearing a youth member sincerely share their testimony.
Nothing gives me more strength than to watch a youth member stand for what they believe. 
Nothing makes me more happy than to see a youth member find confidence in knowing they are a child of God.

With that being said, when you recognize and can see those blessings in action, 
 it is sometimes difficult to see a youth member who is struggling with their testimony 
or having a difficult time being motivated to participate in activities or Sunday attendance. 

I know that activation can be a difficult and sometimes sensitive topic,
but I also know that it is such a crucial part of missionary work. 

I decided to create a few fun ways to encourage activation.
These ideas are really simple and could be executed by a presidency or an entire YW class/organization.

I also want to mention that although these ideas are fun and a great way to get girls excited about YW, 
in order for them to be successful they must be combined with a whole lot of love. 

My biggest suggestions as you use the ideas below is to make them personal.
Don't just drop off the notes, also visit the girls.
Get to know them. 
Pray for them.
Call them.
Follow-up with them
Have class members invite them to church and activities.

It is not a difficult thing, it just takes a little more time and compassion.

With that being said, I hope that you are able to use some of these fun ideas 
and get engaged the missionary excitement! 

As usual, feel free to print off, use and share!

Below are some simple journaling note cards (9 on 1 page).
You could print them off on cardstock and use the back to write a sincere note.
You could even involve a yw class presidency by having them write their own personalized notes
 and have them drop them off to the less active young woman.


Below are some simple tags that could be attached to a can or bottle of soda (8 on 1 page).
You could actually use these for less active young women, new beehives, or a young woman who recently moved into the ward boundaries.
Again, I would suggest dropping off this little treat with a personalized visit to the young woman!


Below are some simple tags that could be attached to a bag of popcorn (4 on 1 page).
You could print them off on cardstock and use the back to write a sincere note.
I would also suggest dropping off this little goodie with a personalized visit to the young woman!


Below are some contact information cards that could be handed out to the young women (8 on 1 page).
I found that attaching an adhesive magnet on the back is a great way for the young woman to keep track of your information (put on the fridge, etc.).
It is also a great reminder that you love them and are there for them always.
It is also great for parents who might be apprehensive about their daughter attending YW. 
They can always have a contact number in case they need to get a hold of their daughter.
I would suggest dropping these cards off as a presidency and introducing yourselves to the young woman and family members. 
That way they can become more familiar and comfortable with you as they make the decision to begin attending church and activities.


Below are some simple tags that could be attached to a flower (4 on 1 page).
You could either combine them with an actual single stem flower or make simple paper flowers 
(could even be made by YW for activity)
I thought these flowers were to die for cute and could easily be used with the handout!
You could print the tags off on cardstock and use the back to write a sincere note.
I would also suggest dropping off this little goodie with a personalized visit to the young woman

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